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Assessment Program

Assignment One - The World of Business - due 16 February

Assignment - Legal Eagles Research Task

Marking Guide for Assignment on Legal Eagles

Special Advice

This is our notice board for Year 10 Commerce in 2004.
Items such as assignments, marking guides and School Certificate assessment outlines will be posted here.

That sounds like a couple of good reasons for you to check this site often.

Now, so that you know how to get the best grade in your School Certificate for this subject, read the attachments carefully.

The material headed Commerce Course Descriptors is set out by the Board of Studies. It is their directions to schools regarding the award of grades which will appear on your 'Year 10 Record of Achievement'.

The attachment, Determination of School Certificate Grades, is an outline of how this school will implement the Board's directions. This is the document you are to download, attach to the front of your Commerce notebook, and be signed by you and your parents or carers. Make sure this material is in your folder. Your class teacher will be looking for it.

And to keep everyone happy and in the know about how assignments are to be presented, check the attachment Presentation of Assignments. The Marking Scheme document outlines very generally how assignments, test work and homework will be assessed. 

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