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Advice for the Half Yearly Exam
This page is the place to find the pieces of information that will be vital to any potential economist. Check it regularly.
Be particularly familiar with the Objectives and Outcomes which have been taken from the BOS Stage 6 Syllabus for Economics. Assessment tasks are marked on the basis of these Outcomes
Check out the following list of web sites. Several of them are designed specifically for HSC Economics work. Others will be useful for most R and R work.
www.rba.gov.au (RBA material - commentaries on current policy and issues)
www.cee.org.au (a Melbourne-based site - good for case studies, statistics, issues, etc.)
www.leadingedgeeconomics.com.au (Tim Dixon's site has an excellent list of contacts)
www.ozseek.com.au/ (for past HSC papers, study notes, etc.)
www.amosweb.com/gls (a database of economic terms and concepts)
www.bized.ac.uk (variety of resources and links to excellent material)
http://4economics4anything.com (variety of resources and links)
If you find helpful sites let's know and we'll share them around!
All contributions will be welcome.
The other side of Economics!
Man on phone: 'She's not here, she's at the supermarket stimulating the economy!.'
(A chocolate frog for published contributions to this corner)