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Time Allowed:
The examination is one and one half hours in length with 5 minutes time provided for reading before writing begins. Structure of Examination Paper - The paper has three sections.
Section I - worth 25 marks
contains 25 multiple choice questions drawn from the topic areas covered so far, that is, Topics 1 and 2 and the introductory part of Topic 3.
Responses are to be made in ink, not pencil, on the Answer Sheet.Section II - worth 20 marks. Allow about 30 minutes
comprises two questions requiring short responses. Each question contains sub-questions. This section focuses on the Role of Business in the Economy chapter and the Circular Flow of Income Model topic.
The first one or two sub-questions are generally the define or calculate type. The remainder are the outline, explain, assess, discuss or analyse type, requiring a higher competence / skill level to score top marks. Answers are to be written in the spaces / lines provided on the examination question paper.Section III - worth 20 marks. Allow at least 35 to 40 minutes for this section
There is a choice of one question out of two to be attempted and this question requires an extended response. This section focuses on The Role of Business in the Economy , The Role of the Market and Prices in a Market Economy and An Introduction to the Theory of Demand. This question is to be answered on the examination paper provided.
The Outcomes Assessed focus on how well you:
use economic data
apply economic terms, concepts, relationships and theory
present a sustained, logical and well-structured answer to the question, and
explain the economic role of individuals, firms and, to a lesser extent, governments in an economy
Students are encouraged to :
(1) Use well-labelled, tidily presented models / diagrams to complement responses where appropriate.
(2) Present work free of spelling bloopers and with capital letters used in the right places i.e., for proper nouns only.
(3) Not use (i) ampersands - & , (ii) contractions – can't , won't, (iii) personal pronouns – you , we, and (iv) etc .