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Assignment One - Shop 'Til You Drop - due 23 February
This is the place where important bits and pieces for Year 9 Commerce are posted. It is our notice board - it is 'informative' advertising. Things such as assignments, key dates and events will appear. So check it regularly.
Because Commerce will appear on your Year 10 Record of Achievement, with the grade you have earned, whether you continue this subject into Year 10 or not, it is important that you are familiar with the Commerce Course Descriptors. Print these pages and attach them to the front of your Commerce notebook so you can refer to them frequently.
Other important pages are the Determination of School Certificate Grades. This is another page you are to print and include in your notebook. It should be signed by a parent / guardian and by you. Attend to this immediately.
Another important page is the Student Guide for the Presentation of Assignments. Print this one out too
Content still to be put on this page