Winning or losing ?
Don't be surprised if you didn't win on this particular environmental issue. These aren't often won in a single battle but may be more successful in the long term by changing public opinion. Don't be too hard on yourself. Participating in environmental decision making never really fails, regardless of the outcome on a particular issue. Campaigning plays a developmental role. If you have learned more about the decision-making process, and understood government and bureaucracy a bit better, that is a measure of ClVlC success.
(Quoted from the Environmental Tool Kit, p. 57)
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Congratulations! You made it! You have learned so much without even realising it. You have
(1) completed the requirements for one of the topics in your study of Year 10 Australian History
(2) learned how to use the internet for research and how to assess the usefulness of internet resources for specific topic studies
(3) developed your skills in the use of technology, reading, writing and presentations
(4) coped with all sorts of new ideas and areas of study that must have, at times, sent your head spinning with all the new information
These are the things that the WebQuest helped you to learn. But what have you learnt yourself? Answer the following questions honestly and give your sheet to your teacher.
CONTENT (1) Who was right and who was wrong - in your opinion?
Who "won" this case and why? (This may be a different answer to Question 1 and it is important that you think about why. Did they do a better job? Were they more convincing? Did you think they were right from the beginning or did you change your mind?)
(3) What have you learnt about Australia's Heritage and the laws which protect it?
(4) What have you learnt about the role of citizens and citizenship?
(5) How do you feel about the quality of your finished writing task.
Did your writing task adequately convey your message to the Court? If not, what could you have done to improve it?
(7) Which skills do you feel you have improved on and why?
(8) Which skills would you like to develop further and why?