SCOPE AND DURATION This task has been designed to take only 2 or 3 45 minute lessons. It is meant to be used as part of your ongoing study of the history of Rome in your study of past societies. Its purpose is to help the students understand different methods of government and embeds ideas of democracy and citizenship within it. You could extend the task by including an oral presentation by each group so that all students hear about the people concerned. If you were to do so it would be critical to present them in chronological order. It may even be better to act their lives out showing the interplay between the characters. I am sure many students would volunteer to be Brutus et al. However, that would be dependent upon your students, your time and your resources. LITERACY SUPPORT This webquest has a series of literacy ideas to support the students' work. They include how to prepare mindmaps, how to write paragraphs, what constitutes a biography and a page on understanding the task. ASSESSMENT There are many ways of assessing this task, this is just one of them. You may consider more emphasis being put onto the writing and presentation side of the task. You may wish to differentiate for extension students and one way to do this is to extend the task for them by getting them to combine all the information from all the groups and come to a conclusion as to which individual and/or governmental method would be the best model for the galaxy. RESOURCES The resources have been chosen as ones appropriate to the general reading age of Year 7 students, however, some introductory material may help students who might otherwise struggle. STUDENT REFLECTION This is a section which allows for students to assess what they have learnt. It, again, is flexible and many more questions may arise. These are just starters.