The year is 3003. There is an intergalactic conference in progress as the result of the end of the intergalactic wars. One part of that conference, The History Forum, is trying to understand how and why past societies changed their systems of government from one style to another. This is so that they can advise the Galaxy Government on how the galaxy should be run in the future.
One of the time periods they have noted for investigation is the period of Roman History of 60 BCE to 54 CE when the country was going through a period of upheaval with wars and assassinations and moved from a Republic, in which the citizens elected their government and their leaders,to establish an empire, in which control of the country was held by one family.
Understanding the personalities of the time, how they behaved, what they did or did not do and what the outcome was, may help the Government decide whether this is the way they want to go. After all, the galaxy itself has been through a period of upheaval with wars and assassinations and wants to move to a stable government. Perhaps this is the way to go.
Your class is seen as the top History class on Earth for your age group. You have been set a task to prepare and present Case Studies on the personalities of this period answering a common set of questions being considered across all time periods and across the galaxy.