jack lang - gough whitlam


Lang Dismissal Time Line
These are only some of the events to help you along the way. You will need to fill in the others. The spaces left in the time line are arbitrary and do not represent the specific number of events you could include. Print me off to help you.

November, 1930

Jack Lang party re-elected as majority in the New South Wales Parliament. The Great Depression had just begun across the world.






Lang disagreed with the ideas proposed by the Federal Government to solve the problems of the depression - the Niemeyer Plan. Offered counter solutions which were







Lang defaulted on the loan payments to the Commonwealth Government and overseas creditors with the result that



12 April, 1932

Lang instructed NSW public servants to withhold funds from the Commonwealth - resulting in

May, 1932

Federal Government issued Proclamation No 42 ordering NSW public servants to deal, as directed, with moneys received. This had the effect that

10 May, 1932

Lang issued another circular warning



Sir Philip Game, Governor, believed that Lang's 10 May circular was


and Jack Lang was dismissed

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