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DATE DUE: To be submitted to the HSIE Office before 9.00 a.m. on Monday 3 rd May, 2004
VALUE: 10%
TASK: To complete the task in the Dismissals WebQuest as follows
You must submit a written answer to the question What sort of Democracy do we have in Australia ? This must be a formal account or exposition of about 800 - 900 words. You must use what happened during the two dismissals as part of the evidence to support your opinion.
Note that this is a very open ended question and you will have to think it through carefully before you begin to write.
Explanation about what a WebQuest is, is over the page and will be discussed in class.
M5.2 sequences major historical events to show understanding of continuity, change and causation
M5.5 recounts some of the key events and developments in Australian political history
M5.16 locates, selects and organises historical information from a number of different sources, utilising a variety of technological processes to address complex historical problems and issues, with some independence
M5.19 creates well-structured texts using evidence to discuss increasingly complex problems and issues
ICT Outcomes
1. locate historical information from a wide variety of written, audio-visual and multimedia resources
2. use multimedia processes to create published works incorporating text
Mrs. Brady Ms Vaccarella Mr. Fielden
A WebQuest is an internet- based research task in which everything you need to complete the task is included in the information on the WebQuest.
A WebQuest is broken into a series of sections to help guide you through the task. It is best to spend time looking at all the sections before you begin so that you know what you have to do.
Section 1 The introduction or front page or index of the WebQuest which sets the scene for the task.
Section 2 The Scenario each WebQuest sets up a situation in which you work
Section 3 The Task this is what you are being asked to complete
Section 4 The Process this is the way you should go about completing the task and there is usually lots of help and guidance provided in this section. It is broken into the steps you should take and complete before moving on to the next and is designed to guide you through the task. Often WebQuest tasks appear more complex than simple assessment tasks because they contain everything you need. The help may be links to resources to read and make notes from, it may be what sort of questions to ask, it may be how to go about completing your task. You should check out each link provided and use the information there.
Section 5 The Assessment in some WebQuests this is where you find out the value of the task but in this case this has been left out as it is on the front of this sheet of paper. Instead there is a marking guideline here to give you an idea of what you should be aiming to achieve.
Section 6 The Outcomes are the criteria upon which your work will be marked.
Section 7 - The Resources page contains all the links you will need to access to get the information necessary to complete this task. There is no need for you to access any other internet pages. These links will give you more than enough information to complete the task.
Section 8 Student Reflection is a page that we will get you to answer later on. It is not part of the WebQuest in that you will not be assessed on it but it is part of the WebQuest in that it gives feedback through self-assessment to you as assessment for learning and feedback to your teachers as your assessment for your learning.
Section 9 The Teachers' Page is simply that. It is some guidelines for Teachers using this WebQuest on how it can be used, what it is meant to achieve, how it can be changed to suit individual school needs. There is nothing private on it otherwise it would not be on the WebQuest. You are welcome to look at it.
One of the most important aspects of using a WebQuest is that it shows you can use the internet for research and that you can produce a task using multi-media.