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When giving oral presentations keep in mind the following points
Posture - stand up straight, make sure your clothes are tidy, do not lean on anything.
Eye Contact - make sure you look at your audience by including all parts of the room. Even if you are using notes or cue cards, do not read out the notes. Glance at them only so that you can keep eye contact with your audience.
Moving - use appropriate hand movements to emphasise points. Do not stand rigidly, fixed to the floor, however do not wander around either.
Voice - make sure that the volume of your voice is loud enough for all in the room to hear. Change the pitch and tone of your voice. If you are using a microphone make sure that it is always able to pick up your voice no matter where you are looking. Speak at a steady pace, neither too fast nor too slow.
Cue Cards or Notes - these should be short and in point form using only the briefest of ideas from which you speak. If they are written out in full sentences you may fall into the trap of reading them out.
Content - make sure that the content of your speech is relevant and factual and that it is appropriate for the audience and the task you are completing.
Visual Aids - any visual aids you use must be referred to in the talk not just shown. You should use words such as "this slide shows us that ...", "in this picture you can see ... here ... and here...", "you can clearly see on the map that here ...". If you use small illustrations such as those in books, make sure that everybody in the room can see. Don't be afraid to pause while they look or you show them.