It will not be easy for you to find information for the real estate agent simply on one site. You will have to look at a variety of specialised sites from each of which you may only get a little information. Persevere. It will be worth it in the end. There are specific documents attached for you to use here on the WebQuest. Access them through the Resources list. The Environmental Law Tool Kit extract will be very useful for you as will the Real Estate Practice in Australia document. Make sure that you read them carefully.
After you have completed your initial research, you will need to put a draft report together as an individual to share with the rest of your group. Have a look at these guidelines for draft reports.
You will need to prepare a written submission to the Court and for assessment. You will need a copy for your teacher and a copy for the Court group. Have a look at one guideline as to how to prepare a report but remember that this is probably more detailed than you will need to do. Use it, however, as a guide.
The slide of a PowerPoint presentation may be accessed here for you to use. When you go to it Click on it and go Save As to your files and then you may use it for your presentation. Advice on how to develop a PowerPoint presentation can be accessed here. Advice on what to and not to do in your presentation is here. Keep your presentation to a maximum of 10 slides as you only have 4 to 5 minutes for your presentation.
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