
YUPPIES are young university educated adults who are employed in well-paying professions and who live and work in or near a large city

DINKS are the above people, married or living together, with a double income and no kids


As you begin to investigate the rights and responsiblities and role of the council in these types of developments you will need to think about several ideas. A couple of these follow here. What role does the council play for the whole of the council area - is there a conflict of interest for their role in regard to the School versus their role with potential residents in a new residential area? How can they resolve this? Is it their responsibility to make money (via rates) to make sure that new facilities can be created for all the people in the council area not just a limited few? How does this idea sit with the development? Some resources for you to use can be accessed here. Make sure that you read through the extract from the Environmental Law Tool Kit. It has some valuable information regarding your rights and your role.

Divide these questions up between you and them come back together with a draft report to share that information. Some ideas for your draft report can be accessed here.


You will need to prepare a report for written submission to the Court and for assessment. You will have to have a copy for your teacher and a copy for the Court group. Have a look at one guideline as to how to prepare a report here.


A slide for a PowerPoint presentation may be accessed here. When you go to it Click on it and go Save As to your files and then you may use it for your presentation. Advice on how to develop a PowerPoint presentation can be accessed here should you need it. Advice on what to and not to do in your presentation is here. Keep your presentation to a maximum of 10 slides as you only have 4-5 minutes for your presentation.

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