(a) Clearly explains social and political developments and events and evaluates their impact on civic life in Australia
(e) Clearly explains different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of past individuals, groups, events and issues using appropriate historical terms and concepts
(f) Selects and uses appropriate oral and graphic forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively as individuals and in groups about the past for different audiences


(Band 6)

(a) Explains social and political developments and events and explains their impact on civic life in Australia
(e) Demonstrates an understanding of different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of past individuals, groups, events and issues using historical terms and concepts
(f) Selects and uses appropriate oral and graphic forms, including ICT, to communicate in groups about the past


(Band 5)

(a) Describes social and political developments and events and describes their impact on civic life in Australia
(e) Describes different contexts and experiences of past individuals, groups, events and issues using some historical language
(f) Uses oral and graphic forms, including ICT, to communicate in groups about the past


(Band 4)

(a) Describes social and/or political events and describes their impact on Australian society
(e) Describes some past individuals, groups or events
(f) Uses simplistic oral and graphic forms, including ICT, to communicate about the past


(Band 3)

(a) Describes some social or political events
(e) Describes some past individuals or groups
(f) Uses limited oral and/or graphic forms to communicate about the past


(Band 2)

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