A card from the Dive Family thanking me for being part of their children's education
A card from a very artistic young man, Richard, who, though interested in Drama and Music, struggled with the academic subjects.
A letter from a former student, Samantha, who has gone on to finish a degree in History and Philosophy and who is completing post-graduate studies and with whom I continue to keep in touch
A card from the mother of an overseas student whom I mentored during his HSC Course at the School as an Overseas Student and who now, having completed a degree in Science subjects at New South Wales University, works as a Radio Announcer for a Chinese Language Station. When he arrived in Australia he had little English skills
A card from an ex-student who marched to the beat of a very different drum to our usual students
A card from a student who struggled through to Year 10, was encouraged to stay on to Year 12 and did very well.
An email, showing how some things have changed (text messaging) but how somethings remain the same (her thanks for a good HSC)
A part of an ex-student's speech to the Junior School Speech Day, 2003 in which he comments that, having completed his training at ADFA he now wants to go on and work in the Middle East as a result of his experiences in Modern History classes at High School
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