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DATE: Wednesday, 19 th May, 2004
Questions 1-20 Multiple Choice based on the topics
Post War Australia to the 1970s incorporating aspects of Citizenship and migrant Australians, Citizenship and Aboriginal Australians, Anti-Communism and the Vietnam War, Changing roles of women 1900 to 2000, Popular Culture
Questions 21-23 Short and extended answers to questions based on aspects of the topics
Australia and World War II
Post War Australia to the 1970s incorporating aspects of Citizenship and migrant Australians, Citizenship and Aboriginal Australians, Anti-Communism and the Vietnam War, Changing roles of women, Popular Culture, The Whitlam Years
incorporating elements from Chapters 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 in Retroactive 2.
All questions follow the typical format of the School Certificate Reference Test in Australian History, Australian Geography, Civics and Citizenship.
Outcomes being assessed
M5.9 recounts some major events in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal relations and accounts for how and why the nature of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal relations have changed
M5.13 uses historical terms and concepts in appropriate contexts to answer historical questions with some argument
M5.18 selects and uses appropriate written forms to communicate effectively about the past
M5.19 creates well-structured texts using evidence to describe and explain increasingly complex problems and issues
Mrs. Jan Brady