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Week 4, May 17 th - 21 st
Length: 1½ hours (plus 5 minutes reading time).
The examination paper consists of two parts:
Section I War and Peace Short Answers 60 marks
Section II Researching History Source Questions 30 marks
The examination may ask questions from any of the following topics that have been covered in class:
Researching History
i. With particular focus on the role of Archives
War and Peace
i. Types of war
ii. Terrorism
iii. Peace Making
iv. Peace Keeping
Students should note that the examination will draw on information drawn from class notes, assessment tasks and handouts. As with all examinations, students must read the questions carefully so that they use the relevant information and structure.
E5.6 Uses historical terms and concepts in appropriate contexts to answer a historical question, with some argument
E5.7 Describes the meaning, purpose and context of historical sources in order to deduce their usefulness for the purposes of an inquiry
E5.9 Locates, selects and organises historical information from a number of different sources, utilising a variety of technological processes to address complex historical problems and issues, with some independence
E5.11 Selects and uses appropriate written, oral and graphic forms to communicate effectively about the past for different audiences, with clear purpose
E5.12 Creates well structured texts using evidence to describe, recount, explain , argue, challenge and discuss increasingly complex problems and issues
Mr P Fielden.
Issued Friday, April 30th.