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Examination length: 1 hour plus 5 minutes reading time
Examination structure: The examination paper is divided into three (3) sections, all of which are compulsory. There is no internal choice and all questions must be answered on the examination paper or on the Multiple Choice Answer Sheet that is provided.
Section I is predominantly skills based, so care should be taken when studying the stimulus material provided.
There are 20 multiple choice questions, each worth one mark. There is some calculation required in some questions.
Section II is also skills based and again some calculation may be involved. Some definitions and short answer questions are also included. This section is worth 15 marks.
Section III There is one question only in this section and it is worth 15 marks. Care should be taken in ensuring that your answer is well constructed and follows the directions given in the question.
Textbook reference and other information: Chapters 1, 2 and 3 plus Geoskills Reference 1, 2, 3 and 4 on pages 338 – 346. Population pyramids and bearings are also examined.
4. Equipment required for examination:
* blue or black pen
* lead pencil and coloured pencils
* calculator
* 360 degree protractor
* ruler and eraser