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Exam week week 4
Time : 1 hour plus 5 minutes reading time.
The following topics are examinable.
Investigating the world. Chapter 1 GeoActive 1 text book.
-What is Geography?
-Contemporary issues.
-Tools Geographers use: graphs, photographs(chapt. 1 text).
-World Heritage
-World map: continents, latitude and longitude, oceans
Topographic maps, Pages 298-303 GeoActive 1 textbook.
-Contour lines
-Area and Grid references
-Distance,direction, scales.
Examination Format
Multiple choice ,Matching, Short answer, map work, true and false, comprehension,close passage.
Out comes being assessed
4.2 Organises and interprets geographical information.
4.4 Demonstrates a sense of place outside Australia .
4.9 Explains how geographical knowledge, understanding and skills contribute to active and informed citizenship.
Geographic tool box:
Blue/black pen
Sharp lead pencil