(a) Provide a recount of what it would have been like to live under the Qin and the Han Dynasties from the perspective (viewpoint) of EITHER a peasant family OR an artisan and his/her family OR a merchant and his/her family (but not all three)
(b) Give an account of what changed for your people and what stayed the same for your people under the Qin and the Han because of the actions of the Emperor and his government
think about
This is an empathy task, that is, you show your knowledge of the period by putting yourself into that time. It is not fantasy. You must include historically accurate facts though, obviously, you make up the people of your family and the experiences they had based on what you have learnt.
think about
This task also asks you to understand civics and citizenship because you are being asked to say how what the government did affected your life (civics) and how you responded to that (citizenship)
Information on how long the task should be and how to present it can be found through the Assessment Page or this link
Follow up
If you click on this link you will go to a page which will help you get through this task by telling you how to complete the task
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