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Print off the following pro-formas to help you
Subject List | Draft Study Time Table | Possible Study Time Table
then follow these instructions
(A) Write down your main subjects.
(B) Put a number from 1 to ? in the boxes next to the subjects
(i) in the order you like best (1) to the one you like least (?)
(ii) in the order you do best in (1) to the one you do worst in (?)
If you are unsure of the order, draft your thinking in pencil or prepare a rough list first
Now move on to
(C) Think about your usual week.
(i) In the table fill out any regular commitments you have such as sport and family
(ii) You might like or have to divide some of the boxes into two halves
(iii) When you have finished, mark with a highlighter the time box that you think is the best study time for you each day - this may be a different time each day
(iv) Don't forget that you need to have some time out each day to exercise and relax but balance that with the need to do your school work
Now move on to
(D) Now use the information from your draft time table to complete the finished time table
(i) Fill in all your regular commitments
(ii) Go back to the list of best to worst subjects and like to dislike subjects and put the subject you are worst at/you dislike most into the BEST time for you to study
(iii) Now put your second worst/second most disliked subject into your SECOND BEST time for you to study
(iv) Continue to work your way through your subjects from worst to best
(v) Try to find at least THREE times per week when you do each subject for at least 25 minutes