To begin with
- Draw up a study timetable but remember to keep it flexible.
- Have somewhere set aside to work quietly on your own.
- Have some good quality food, such as fruit, for snacks which can help you to concentrate.
- If you like music going, do so by all means, but make sure that it has no words, only music.
- Do not put the TV on, you will not leave it.
- Do not pick up your favourite magazine. You will not put it down.
- Get plenty of exercise.
In Year 7 you should plan to work up to 1-1 1/2 hours per night. If you are organised this should be enough time but closer to the exams this could all change. You need to gradually lead into a system which works for you.
Here are some suggestions:
- Do that night's homework first, checking it off in your diary as you go.
- Use your study timetable to know exactly which subjects you are going to revise that night so that you do not sit there thinking about what you should or should not be studying.
- Plan to work in 30-40 minute time slots when you study. Any longer and you will have tgrouble concentrating and therefore will be wasting your time.
- At the end of each time slot take a 5 minute break, no longer, and then go straight back to work.
- Revise and use the notes you took in class that day.
- Begin to ddevelop study notes on each topic as you go.
- Learn the technical, or special language of each subject you are studying.
- Keep your work area tidy and have all your materials nearby so that you do not waste time looking for them.
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