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Outcomes to be assessed:
H1.1 Describes and assesses the significance of key people, events, institutions and forces.
H4.1 Identifies different perspectives about groups, events and issues.
H5.1 Selects and organises relevant historical and archaeological information from a variety of sources for their usefulness, validity and bias.
H6.1 Communicates through well-structured texts to explain, argue, discuss, analyse and evaluate historical information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic forms.
Marking Criteria
In this task you will be assessed on how well you:
Assess the importance of specific people to the reign of ONE Julio-Claudian emperor.
Utilise historical opinion, both ancient and modern, on the roles of these people.
Communicate in both oral and written form your ideas and understandings.
You are to research the roles played by ALL of the following individuals or groups in the reign of ONE Julio-Claudian emperor.
Augustus |
Tiberius |
Gaius (Caligula) |
Claudius |
Nero |
Livia Julia Agrippa Maecenas Tiberius |
Sejanus Germanicus Agrippina I (the Elder) Drusus (son of Tiberius) Gaius (Caligula) |
Drusilla Macro Tiberius Gemellus Claudius The Praetorian Guard |
Messalina Agrippina II (the Younger) The Praetorian Guard Pallus and Callistus (freedmen) Britannicus |
Seneca Burrus Agrippina II (the Younger) Corbulo Vespasian |
You are to submit a 2000 word report on your research and findings. These reports are to be typed, as they will be photocopied and distributed to the whole class once they are marked. Your report must include a bibliography.
You are also to present your findings to the class in a 10 minute oral presentation during Week 6. Further guidelines on expectations for this presentation will be distributed shortly.
Your research and discussion should focus upon the following question:
Assess the roles played by prominent individuals and groups during the reign of ONE Julio-Claudian emperor. (Assess – make a judgment of value, quality, outcomes, results or size.)
T. Briscoe & S. Eiszele-Evans
Issued 17th February, 2004
Put on website 22nd February 2004