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DATE DUE: Monday, 16th February, 2004, at the HSIE Office before 9.00 am. Late submission will incur a penalty of 20% per day.
1. To research a part of World War Two in which Australia and/or Australians were involved, and
2. To write an article for a school bulletin explaining how and why Australians were involved in the part of World War Two you have researched. The articles are intended to be put together and published for Anzac Day. The article must be between 500 and 600 words only (+/- 10%).
In your task you must
- place your particular topic within the overall context of World War Two and show how the war affected your topic;
- explain the contribution your particular topic made to Australia’s war effort
- include ONE graphic illustrating your article. The graphic must be labelled explaining what it is and from where you have obtained it, eg Photo of Sydney Harbour, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 May 1943.3. Choose ONE TOPIC from the following list.
The Battles
(1) Battles in North Africa, in particular Tobruk and El Alamein
(2) The fight for Greece and Crete
(3) The defence of Singapore and its aftermath
(4) The Kokoda Track and fighting in Papua New Guines
(5) The Battle of the Coral Sea
(6) The end of the War in the PacificThe Home Front and other areas
(7) Attacks on Darwin, Broome and other Western Australian Ports
(8) Attacks on Sydney and Newcastle
(9) Women and service in the war
(10) Women and children on the Home Front
(11) Prisoners of War
M5.1, M5.2, M5.3, M5.4, M5,18, M5.19
Make sure that you show an understanding of where and how your topic fits into the pattern of World War Two by clearly explaining it (this is recounting and sequencing major historical events in order and showing understanding of continuity, change and causation) Make sure that you explain the impact of the war on your topic You must plan, draft and then write a final copy of your work to make it as mistake free as possible and to ensure that you use evidence to explain your topic Make sure that the graphic (photo, graph, cartoon, table) relates directly to the topic you are writing onRESOURCES – Just a beginning – the library will have books on Special Reserve for use in the Library only
BooksAnderson, Conroy, Keese and Low, Retroactive 2: Stage 5: Australian History
Clarke, Manning, Australia
Darlington, Robert and Hospodaryk, John, A History of Australia since 1901
Mason, K. J., Experience of Nationhood
Simmelhaig and Spenceley, For Australia’s SakeInternet
World History Archives - Links to General Australian History - http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/24/index-c.html
http://www.awm.gov.au/atwar/ww2.htm – the Australian War Memorial
http://www.awm.gov.au/stolenyears/index.asp – Prisoners of War
http://www.awm.gov.au/encyclopedia/pow/ww2_japanese.htm – Prisoners of War
Jan Brady
Teacher Responsible