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DATE DUE: To be completed in class on Thursday, 25 th March, 2004
VALUE: 10%
TASK: To answer the questions as instructed.
TIME ALLOWED: 50 minutes
Three Questions have been set.
Question One is worth 5 marks.
Question Two is worth 10 marks.
Question Three is worth 15 marks.
Answer all Questions
5.7 describes major features of social and cultural experiences of different people at various times
5.8 compares and contrasts the social and cultural experiences of different people at various times
5.9 recounts some major events in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal relations
5.10 accounts for how and why the nature of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal relations has changed
5.11 identifies various marginalised groups who have struggled for rights and freedoms
5.12 accounts for how and why the rights and freedoms of various groups in Australian society have changed
Mrs. Brady | Ms Vaccarella | Mr. Fielden