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Assessment Task No. 3 Research and Technology

Warning: Work submitted late may incur a penalty unless a medical certificate is provided on the first day of return to school.

Remember also that computer failure/malfunction is not an acceptable excuse for lateness.

Date distributed: 17 th February, 2004

Date due: 28 th April, 2004

Weight: 20%


Students will be assessed on their ability to:

P2: organise and synthesise information
P3: interpret information
P6: use appropriate ICT to present evidence
V2: develop an understanding of a just society
A5: select information

 Nature of task :

Research assignment based around a selected tourist destination in Asia as well as making a PowerPoint presentation on that particular place.

Students are to complete each of the following sections:

•  You are on a ‘fact-finding mission' for the popular television programme “Getaway”.

(1) You are to write a 7 – 10 day detailed, and informative diary of a real or made up holiday destination. I would suggest that you choose a less popular destination but the choice is really up to you.

Your diary should include information on all of the following:

•  Food that you ate or would recommend
•  Activities (these should be as different and as interesting as possible)
•  Description of the environment (special flora and fauna)
•  Cultural interests (this may include religious ceremonies or other religious information, arts and crafts, festivals)
•  Problems (this might include such information as transport difficulties, high cost of transport, political unrest, health issues, language barriers, currency issues)
•  Types of accommodation available and the costs for each level.

You could even include interviews as part of your diary entries if you so desire.

Remember that your diary must be interesting as well as containing facts and general descriptions, as this is part of what you are going to use as part of a PowerPoint presentation which is the second part of the assignment.

(2) Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the team lead by the Executive Producer of “Getaway”. (Find out his or her name) Your presentation should outline your proposal for a story. It could take the form of a number of story boards.

Your presentation should be no more than 3 minutes.

If you complete your PowerPoint presentation at home you must find out what version of PowerPoint is available at school for your actual presentation. If your version of PowerPoint is different to the school's version you should check with the Technology Department as to how you should save/convert your work.

Do not go to the Technology Department and ask them to convert your presentation as they will refuse to do it for you.

You will not be marked on your technical prowess (that is how well you can put a PowerPoint presentation together) but rather the content of your presentation.


Issued: 17th February 2004
Put on Website 22nd February